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Now we sing. Ukrainian and Russian soldiers! Flee from the battlefield!

One hundred and twenty years ago,

Mrs.Yosano Akiko sang "Oh my brother, I weep for you, do not die"

in lamentation of her younger brother who was in the army besieging Port Arthur during the Russo-Japanese War.

Now we sing:

Ukrainian and Russian soldiers! Flee from the battlefield!

Don't say you're going there to protect your country!

Putin, Zelensky

Aren't you politicians just killing people?

If it's war, is it okay to kill people?

Is it okay to drop bombs?

Your territory is being taken, so you say you should risk your life to protect it.

That's fine. Give your territory to other countries!

It's better than having people's lives taken.

Even if your territory is taken,

if the country that took it doesn't protect the lives of the people,

you can resist it. Just don't pay taxes on it.

It's better to lose your territory than to lose your life.

A human life is worth more than the earth. It's irreplaceable.

Once you die, you can't come back to this world.

You can't drink beer or wine.

You can't see your wife and your friends, see your children.

But you politicians still want you to go to war?

Aren't you politicians just throwing away lives and disposing of soldiers?

When one soldier dies, send another one to the battlefield!

Don't you think so?

What else can you call this but "disposing of lives"?

If you want to send soldiers to the battlefield, start with yourself!

You politicians should go to the battlefield first!

Send your sons and daughters to the battlefield first!

Putin says.

They are willing to use nuclear weapons.

Have you ever been to Hiroshima or Nagasaki, where nuclear weapons were used?

Tell me about when you've been to Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

Don't threaten to use nuclear weapons without knowing the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I would say to Netanyahu of Israel:

We are retaliating because the Palestinian military organization Hamas suddenly invaded Israel last October and took the lives of 1,200 people.

We are retaliating because missiles are coming at us.

However, a year has passed since Israel invaded the Gaza Strip in Palestine,

and the number of Palestinian deaths has already exceeded more than 40,000 deaths.

1,200 against 40,000! That's 1 against 33.

Enough already! Haven't we retaliated enough?

Right now in the Gaza Strip, many civilians' lives have been taken and buildings destroyed.

Many people are living in fear of death.

They have no food and no place to sleep.

How will they survive from now on?

They have no homes left.

Israel! Help rebuild the Gaza Strip!

Build new buildings and roads!

Soldiers on the battlefield! Leave there and flee from there!

You have no right to kill people.

Even if your country tells you to kill people with missiles, bombs, or guns, don't obey!

The only way to end this war is for soldiers on the battlefield to flee from there.

Desertion is the greatest way to end a war.

I repeat it. Soldiers on both sides, flee from the battlefield!



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